Tohoku University


Fostering Human Resources in New Interdisciplinary Fields in the Society 5.0 Era


For admission in Fall semester, 2025

Details will appear here by fall 2024.

Recommendation for taking English test

If you are interested in applying to NIFS, and not a native English speaker, then we recommend you to early take IELTS, TOEFL (iBT or PBT) or TOEIC (both L&R and S&W).

For admission in Fall semester, 2024

Application procedure has already closed. The following information is for reference of future applicants.


The following is a brief summary of the guideline.


NIFS requires, broadly speaking:


Matching with candidate supervisorbefore application
ApplicationDecember 14, 2023 – January 5, 2024
ZOOM Interviewin late January, 2024
Notification of pass/fail for NIFSaround mid-April, 2024
Notification of pass/fail for MEXTaround mid-June, 2024
Program (Fall semester, 2024)from October 1, 2024


Step 1
Find the candidate of your prospective supervisor among the faculty member in the field of your interest.
Step 2
Contact directly to the candidate of your prospective supervisor via e-mail and request the consent of acceptance.
Step 3
Fill out the application form and upload files.

The button below will jump you to the form from December 14, 2023 to January 5, 2024. It is based on Google Form, and requires you to login to your Google account, after creating it if necessary. If you live in a country where Google is not available, please contact NIFS Admissions Office.